Workout Wednesday – Exercise to Stay in Your Home

Welcome to my ever-changing world.


In our family we often say my brother wakes up in a different world every day. Well, I guess I do too.

When I started this blog, and then when this challenge came along, Wednesday was for devotions. Even had one written for today when I changed my mind.

Wednesday is now Workout Wednesday. Not sure how long this title will last, we will see. Working out, exercising, moving more than we sit is vital. Especially as we get older. Two of my friends demonstrated this last year.

Bessie and Opal (not their real names) are both in their early seventies. Both had mobility issues. Opal was already using a walker and Bessie had a cane. Both women knew they needed to exercise, even in a limited way.


Bessie began taking short walks. At first she walked through her house a time or two. Soon she moved to walking to end of her driveway then out to her garden. Each day she went one or two steps further.

Opal said, “I know I need to exercise, but if I walk outside it’s embarrassing to just walk a few feet and sit down to rest.”

When she was encouraged to walk in her house she replied, “I don’t know how far I’m walking.” She didn’t walk at all. She frowned at the suggestion of doing exercises while sitting. She signed up at a gym, but quit going when she over-exercised and hurt the next day.


In the meantime, Bessie kept moving one step more each day. Until the day came when she didn’t need the cane. She continued pushing forward gently. By Spring she was able to go out and work in her garden for an hour at a time.


Both ladies are super nice, and would do anything to help someone else. Bessie did something for herself and took action to be able to remain in  her home and enjoy her garden. Opal is still in her home, but she has mentioned that the time could come when she’d have to move where there is help available for her.

Like Bessie and Opal, I want to stay in my own home and be able to function. In fact, if I just had to use a walker I’d have to move. My house is not handicapped accessible and would be costly to make it work.

I started slow, walking, then added yoga and stretching. Right now I’m up to 5,000 steps a day, 10,000 is the goal.

Since this is National Letter week, how about writing a letter to your exercise, or accountability partner, your trainer (if you have one,) your gym owner. I think I’ll write one to the town of Allen. They have a walking trail that’s the perfect distance and in the right location for me to use  when returning from town.




Do you exercise?

What is your favorite exercise?

What is your favorite time to exercise?








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About Nita

Quilter, writer, speaker, mom and grandmom. I enjoy making quilts for my grandkids, and other children. I especially love hearing and sharing quilt stories with others, that's how the book came about and this blog will continue to share quilt stories and how God works with quilts to comfort and teach us.
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2 Responses to Workout Wednesday – Exercise to Stay in Your Home

  1. Susan Landry says:

    I am terrible at exercising regularly. Especially since beginning blogging, I feel like I’m sitting all the time! I’m trying something new using an app that reminds me periodically throughout the day to get up and move.

    • Nita says:

      An app that reminds us to move is a great idea. I usually set the timer on my phone, and leave the phone out of arm’s reach. I hope you blog about how well the app works for you. Thanks for stopping.

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